Monday was my first day at Salon K, a brand spankin' new salon in The Riverwoods. It is so much more fun than being in school! Being paid isn't too shabby either...
Kellen's just gonna be working all summer so we can save up all our $$$ which is much needed given the fact that I haven't worked since August.
But the BIG NEWS is....drum roll....we're moving into a townhouse June 1st! Oh yeah! This is exciting for the following reasons: 1. It's not an apartment 2. We don't have to listen to everything the people above us do 3. It's not an apartment 4. It has a little backyard (I'm making a garden!) 5. It's not an apartment!!! So yeah, we're a little stoked. And it's in Springville so it's close enough to everything but not at the heart of BYU. We're just not so much into the whole single's ward part II thing.