I know, I know...I would totally loose the blogging awards. Or just win the "Worst at Blogging" award. But here it is, an update! 2010 has been a wee bit hectic to say the least. We got back from an amazing 2 1/2 week visit to the much missed family and friends in Fresno on January 4th and started our semester January 6th. Kellen is well into his major now and the load is getting heavier with classes such as: Macroeconomics, Business Stats, Calculus, and Accounting...but he handles it like a champ! :] (I's so prouda he!) I'm loving my classes this semester. They're still all GEs, so nothing too terribly fancy. Although, I did decide I needed to loose some flab and general laziness by taking a yoga class and thus far...I am feeling the burn! But the real reason I know you all showed up here to look at my blog.....pictures! (who wants to exert the mental power to read about our boring life...just show pictures, right?!) Ok ok...I only have a few but here they are:
Not sure when this was or where we are...but hey, we're dang cute right! I know.
And this....(hehehe) is me and my sweet little blue pig friend! Twins.
This was actually our anniversary, we went to dinner and then went and walked around Tie Pan Trading (soo unsure how to spell that properly) pretending we had oodles of money to blow on home decore. :) Someday!!!
He's so cute! (FYI this was a wifey-forced picture, such a good sport)
Here's a small taste of our Christmas vacation. The rest of the photos will be posted pending little miss Lizzie girl posting them on Facebook first so I can steal them. So harass her about it!
So....I have some news....I'm NOT seven months pregnant! But in the unlikely and far in the future event that I was, that's what I would look like. (Bueno, or no?)
Adorable little Misha boy, me and John Michael Diaz (aka: my favorite brother-in-law) getting ready for one of our many very long nights of Catch Phrase, Apples to Apples and my personal favorite Cranium!
The stunning Mrs. Diaz!
Aaaannd....ME!...with a mouth full of food. oh yeeah.
So there you go, soak it up. I hope you've learned to savor these updates, you never know when you'll get another.