Friday, August 27, 2010

Life in Transit

The past 3 weeks have been a blur!

1. We shared our house with the Diaz family from August 6th to the 20th and while it was fun to be able to spend so much time with them, it is not a very big we were packing and it was just a bit of a mess.
2. We both finished up our summer semester and with flying colors I might add! Kellen got A's and B's which is fantastic in his tricksy computer classes! And I somehow managed all A's for the first time since Freshman year of high school. Yay for us!
3. We spent an entire 24 hours scrubbing our townhouse from top to bottom. We had a ton of help from John and Liz which was great because it was A LOT of work!
4. We packed every one of our possessions into our cars, a lot easier said than done. And the last thing, my super duty vacuum, had to be left behind... tear
5. Started the trek to our new temporary home in Fresno and stopped in Henderson for the weekend. (I'm so glad we didn't have to drive the whole 10 hours in one day!)
6. Completed the journey last Monday. While it is nice to be here, I feel far from settled.
We finally managed to unload all our stuff and I have been organizing ever since. I feel like I'm turing into my constantly cleaning german grandmother! I can't walk by anything in this house without stopping and spending an hour reorganizing it. Maybe it's just my way of feeling at home. It's odd to come back to the house I spent half my life in and feel like a visitor. I've never lived in a house that doesn't belong to someone else. I can't wait to find the place where Kellen and I can have our own HOME.

And, boy do I miss this face!

I got used to seeing her smiles every morning! Missing her is not helping with my homesick-out-of-placeness syndrome.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Silly Kellen

This afternoon I was at Springville Museum of Art looking for a piece to write a paper on. Kellen called and the conversation went like this:
Kellen: Do you know where my shampoo is?
Me: I don't know, in the shower?
Kellen: It's not there.
Me: I don't know then.

We figured it just got moved, since Liz and John are staying with us, the possibilities are infinite.
So when I got home I went on a search for the missing shampoo.
I looked in cupboards, drawers, closets...and finally made my way back to the shower. I just stood there staring at the corner where it usually is...
Here is what I saw:

Then I noticed something...

I went down stairs and revealed what I found. We all laughed. And it was epic.
