So. The last time I posted on here was....Thanksgiving of 2011. And now it's nearly Thanksgiving 2012...seems about right for me. :) Friends and family, I know, we aren't surprised.
Spring of this year I went back to work about 25 hours a week. It was nice to get out sometimes, but I'd much rather be a stay at home mom. I had zero time to anything that I blog. But I was able to quit and now I'm HOME and BACK TO BLOGGING! Hooray!
My baby is one. Ask me how I feel about don't ask me. We don't have time for a post that long. :( The year went by too fast. But he just gets more and more fun everyday. And I'm so happy to be spending more time with him now that I don't have to work. Happy days.
He got into the paper shreddings! We had fun tossing them around! We are living up at Traverse Mountain in Lehi now, and there is a cute little park just a couple minutes from the house. No swings though, disappointing because that's really about the only thing he can do.
I love going for walks up here. We've had some great fall weather lately! Warm with a little breeze. Perfection.
I just recently started giving him real baths in the tub... I know...I waited forever! But the first time I tried, he was terrified and cried the whole time. So it's been the sink until recently. And now he loves it! I went to Target and got him a few toys to play with and I have so much fun just sitting and watching him play around with them!
Liz and Hadley spent a day with us at the park and then, mommies did some crafting while the babies napped.
I am crazy about Halloween! It's my favorite holiday! And now that I have a kid, I feel like it's appropriate to go crazy for it! I found all these awesome fabrics on sale at Hobby Lobby! I got some crafty ideas off of Pinterest...of course...
I could just spend all day locked up with my sewing machine...I've been getting some cute ideas for clothes too. I'm currently in the middle of making myself a new temple dress. My old one is way too small for my post baby body (chest!...mommies you know what I mean!) Anyhoo! So I'll have to post pictures of that once it's done. So far so good.
In other news!
I'm turning 25 this Saturday. This is the first birthday in years where I actually feel older. 18-24 pretty much all felt the same. I don't know if it's that I have a child now or what, but 25 feels much older to me. Like a REAL adult. Technically equal distance to 20 and 30 but for some reason 30 feels a lot closer! Yikes.
In other, other news!
Most everyone knows that I was adopted by my parents as a baby. Recently, and completely out of the blue, I was able to get in contact with my birth mother. It's be a crazy pandora's box! (all good though!) It's pretty cool after all these years of her being a sort of imaginary person to me, to actually be able to put a face to her and have a conversation with her is surreal. It's amazing and awesome to hear the whole story too. I always wondered and kind of made up my own story of how things went before I was born but to hear this real story is pretty neat.
This is us in the hospital after I was born.
I love the movie Juno. The story of a sixteen year old girl who gives her baby up for adoption. I saw it for the first time on an airplane coming home (or going to...not sure) from Europe with Kellen. I remember crying at the end when she has the baby and all that. It wasn't sad to me, it was beautiful. It made be feel so thankful that there was a sixteen year old girl out there who was willing to go through all of that for me. I'm so happy I get to know that sixteen year old girl now and tell her thank you, and how good my life has been thanks to the decisions she made for me. She told me she was very adamant about who my parents would be. She chose them from a pile of files and even when the agency workers tried to push another family on her, she stuck by her decision that Brian and Sheryl White would be my parents.