Friday, February 5, 2010

a day in the life...

so. you're probably wondering what is going on here.

let me tell you all about it

i was pulling into the parking lot at walmart to do some friday night grocery shopping when i found the perfect spot. you know the one. it was the first spot after the handicap spaces. VIP! as i was pulling in these fine folks you see photographed here were walking to their car.
then, being fully aware of me and my pursuit of the perfect spot, they proceeded to load their groceries for 5 minutes while standing in the middle of my spot. not hurrying at all...wifey-poo there wasn't even helping, just texting away. don't mind me people. (Please note: 5 minutes is a long time when there's a line of cars waiting for you!)

i hate when people are inconsid-didit...
just another day in the life of Allison

ps. i'm also 78% sure i witnessed some prostitution in the parking lot on my way out. lovely. just lovely.


:Brittany: said...

HAHAHA! I hate that! I'm suprised you didn't roll down your window and shout!! I would have forsure!

Allison said...

yeah i know you would have! hahaha

thumpurr3 said...

Del and I both agree that you should have just run her over!
