Sunday, April 10, 2011

Just a little scare.

We had a little scare yesterday.
2 paramedics,
1 ambulance ride,
4 hours in the ER,
and 1 IV later
baby and I are doing fine.

Poor Kellen got the world's worst phone call from my manager while I was at work telling him that they had to call 911 because I collapsed. I'm not sure which one of us looked worse when I was pulled out of the back of the ambulance at the hospital and he was waiting for me. Scary day. But all things considered it turned out pretty good. The doctor said I'm not drinking enough water and I need to take more breaks at work. He said since I'm petite and pregnant, blood pools in my legs more easily and if I don't sit down every now and then my blood pressure will drop way down, which is probably what happened. So that made me feel kinda dumb. :/ Seems like something I should have been doing anyways. So now I'm resting all day under the strict care of Dr. Husband. And he is strict! He keeps my fluids replenished, keeps me eating and makes sure I am not doing anything too tiring. Love him. :)

1 comment:

Stephen said...

I am glad everything is okay. That could be very scary.
