Sunday, December 11, 2011

Our Riggin/Diaz Family Thanksgiving

I decided a while ago that I wanted to cook a Thanksgiving dinner. I love to cook! So we had John, Liz and Hadley over Wednesday for our own little Thanksgiving. It was way fun! I loved cooking for everyone. I made a yummy brine for the Turkey and it turned out quite delicious if I do say so myself. We also had homemade stuffing, pumpkin risotto, creamed spinach and mashed potatoes.

Auntie Liz made this adorable bib for him!

This noisy baby is a happy baby!!!

This boy loves playing with his little owl friends on the bouncer! He's yells and babbles and laughs...the owl apparently tells great jokes.

Such a cutie patootie.

Another thing he loves is Hadley!

And she loves him too! She calls him Bebe and loves to help take care of him. She gets very concerned when his Bee(Binky) falls out and has to put it back in for him. She's also obsessed with his belly button and we taught her how to give him raspberries so now she loves that too. The other day I was changing his diaper on the floor and she came over to inspect his belly button and when I took his diaper off she showed us the new word she knows..."Nasty!" lol! It was soo funny!

One thing that does not make him happy Tummy Time! He hates it...and I feel so bad, either way, if I make him do it he cries, spits up and smashes his face in it... :/

And I feel bad if I don't make him do it, like he's not going to grow and develop right or something. No winning.

See...much happier on his back...looking up at the TV. My little couch potato.

Ashton's Blessing

On Sunday, November 6th we blessed our little fella. We opted to have the special occasion in our home since that was the Sunday that worked best for out of town family and it happened to be stake conference. It was a wonderful weekend. Kellen gave a beautiful blessing then we had soup, corn bread and pumpkin dump cake afterwards. I was so happy to see my family! My dad, brothers and grandma met Ashton for the first time. One thing is for dang certain: this baby boy has a ton of family who love him very much!

My little brother with Ashton. So sweet. :)

My cousin Keith and his wife Lynzy also blessed their little girl Grace the same day. Here they are together, she's just 3 days older than him.

Grandma and Grandpa Riggin and Uncles Parker and Koy

Mimi and Papa White and Uncles Alex and Mikhail, and Great Grandma White (We're missing Auntie Liz, Uncle John and cousin Hadley who were in California for John's mom's wedding...we missed you guys!)

Grandma D and Grumpa and Uncle Jordan

Great Aunt Diana and Uncle Joe and Second Cousins Tina, Anita Eric and also Tina's :)

Great Grandma and Grandpa Davis

Ashton: Two Months

Hey everybody! I'm 2 months old!

Ok I said in the preface a few posts back...these are long over due updates, so we all know he's more that 2 months now. But that's what he's saying in this photo!

At his 2 month check up on Friday, October 28 everything checked out good. He's growing super well!
At 24 1/2 inches he was in the 95% for height and 12.7lbs 75% for weight. That's my big boy! :)

This big, grown up boy loves to smile and tell me stories all day. I never met a happier baby than this one. Every morning he wakes up with a big gummy grin. I just love it!

Another thing he loves to do in true Riggin fashion, is watch ESPN with his daddy. Here they fell asleep all cuddled up...too cute. :)
