Sunday, December 11, 2011

Ashton: Two Months

Hey everybody! I'm 2 months old!

Ok I said in the preface a few posts back...these are long over due updates, so we all know he's more that 2 months now. But that's what he's saying in this photo!

At his 2 month check up on Friday, October 28 everything checked out good. He's growing super well!
At 24 1/2 inches he was in the 95% for height and 12.7lbs 75% for weight. That's my big boy! :)

This big, grown up boy loves to smile and tell me stories all day. I never met a happier baby than this one. Every morning he wakes up with a big gummy grin. I just love it!

Another thing he loves to do in true Riggin fashion, is watch ESPN with his daddy. Here they fell asleep all cuddled up...too cute. :)

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