Monday, April 28, 2014

Energy Type 1

My weeks are backwards these days. I work Friday, Saturday and Monday. And...although it is certainly not work, getting up at 7 for Sunday church and running around for my calling in Primary for two hours takes it out of me that morning as well.
So Mondays are my Fridays! I get up and work until 1:00 and then I'm FREE for three and a half days!
*Insert theme music i.e. Born Free*

I've been meaning all week, since my last post to get some greek yogurt so Ashton and I can do some fun eatable finger painting! Today I may actually get around to it! Woo!

Warning, this is probably going to end up being a little long-winded. This has just been on my mind and I like to share things that have helped me! About a year ago when my Grandma was in town for Kellen's graduation, she gave me a book called "The Child Whisperer." I had heard of it before but never got around to looking into it myself. Once I started reading, I couldn't put it down! I read it cover to cover in one day! That's a personal record, I am not a very fast or deticated reader. But I couldn't stop! It's about different energy types within personalities, particularly in relation to parenting the different energy types. Ashton was just approaching "terrible twos" at the time and I was so glad to find something to give me a little encouragement and insite into being a better mother to him, even on the difficult days.

 I love figuring people out. Personalities and inner motivations are things that really interest me. I've done other tests like the Color Code and felt like that was spot on with my personality.
I really like this Energy Profiling, because it's even more basic than personality. Personalities can be changed and shaped by the people we are around or the envirment we are in, energies however, remain constant even if you express it differently at certain times.

While I was reading Child Whisperer, of course I mostly had Ashton in mind but I also tried to figure out my own type. She encourages you to ask your parents what they think your type would be since our natures are the most true to ourselves as children, before the world has had a chance to taint us. I intially thought I was Type 3, "The Determined Child." This is the kind of go-getter personallity who gets things done and has slightly higher engery. But when I asked my mom and dad (separately, mind you) they both whole-heartedly disagreed and said that I was definitely a Type 1 which is the highest energy, bright, bubbley and animated; "The Dreamer." I would never have thought! I went back and read through that section again, thinking about how it would apply to myself. One thing in particular jumped out at me as to why I might not have recognized this energy type in myself. Type 1's are people pleasers. We try to be whatever we think the people around us need us to be. We try to keep the peace and just go with the flow so that everyone can be happy.

As I sat there and thought about this, I was like yeah! I've done this since I was a little girl. With my mom, my dad, my brothers and especially my sister. She's a soft, emotional Type 2 energy and I have always tried to be whatever I thought she would need from me, which, when I was a teenager was a boss! I was so bossy with her. Part of the reason I was drawn to Type 3, because they are often mislabled as bossy. I was only that way because I thought I was helping her by telling her how to deal with life and problems or whatever! {Drove her nuts} In addition, I remember purposfully "toning down" my spontaneous, adventuresome engery when I was around her so that I didn't over power or over shadow her slower, relaxed energy. This was such an interesting realization for me.

After reading about all the different Types, I quickly set to work trying to figure out what type my close family members are. And I think I've got them mostly pinned! I have a brother, Mikhail, who is also a bright, cheerful Type 1. After discovering all of this one of the first things I did was call him. He's still only 13 and I wanted to tell him not to do what I had done to myself. I told him, "Don't be afraid to be your bubbly, animated, happy self, even if people act annoyed or you think they won't like you. It doesn't matter! Don't change who you are for anyone!"

Knowing Kellen's energy type has also helped me tremendously with understanding him! Tremendously! Because we are complete opposites on the scale. He is the most still energy, Type 4. He is inquisitive, serious and hard working, and likes to be alone sometimes. And that is all completely ok! But it was sooo hard for me to understand sometimes because I am the exact opposite, I want to be with people, doing something fun, thinking of something adventurous to do and I have a hard time sitting still. Understanding that his wanting to sit quietly and do something alone had nothing to do with pushing me away, was pivotal to our relationship. I have learned not to take that personally. And after discovering all of this, I really have to give him props for how patient he has been with me overall! It could not have been easy all of the time; me bouncing off the walls with new ideas that I will probably never follow through on, while he tries to keep himself grounded.... He's my hero.

My Grandma McCook had talked to me before about these different energy profiles pertaining to how you dress and I didn't realize until later that this was the same author and same energy profiling system. For women, the author developed Dressing Your Truth. I love it because it has helped me realize why I come to life in bright, neon, flowy, floral outfits! It reflects my inner bubbly-ness! If you go to her website that I've linked, you can sign up for free informational e-mails to find out more about it and you can even figure out your own Type of Energy and your Beauty Profile. I find it all very interesting and knowing this not only helps me in my relations with other people, understanding and being true to myself but also to dress in a way that reflects the fun, animated person that I am! I really feel better about myself when I do! It's a funny thing. :)

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