Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Nature {Ride} Walk

Lately, I've been helping Ashton get geared up for bedtime by telling him all the fun things we get to do the next day when he wakes up. Last night I told him all about how we could go to the park and find all kinds of treasures to put in his backpack and bring home! He was pretty excited!

This morning he was up and ready to get going on his adventure! He had the great idea to bring his "motor-cle" {motorcycle} Lol so he could ride it around the park. Clever boy.

We had a marvelous time. :) Collecting flowers, rocks, sticks and leaves. He even found a "big daddy pine corn" {large pinecone} and a "little baby pine corn" {small pinecone}

 Just a boy and his pine corn :)

Treasure Inspection

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