Thursday, March 3, 2011

Call me crazy!...I dare you...

Call me overly anxious....but I think as of today, I'm showing! Maybe I'm seeing things, but there's a little something there that wasn't there before and I'm pretty sure it's not flab cuz I cannot for the life of me suck that baby in! I've heard of girls not showing at all until like 20 weeks so I was not expecting to see any changes this soon.

Kellen says he can't see it and I look the same...maybe he's just being careful not to make me feel fat. (Thoughtful boy) But I see it!

Hello down there! I'm the mom...Can't wait to meet you!


Always Sassy Femme said...

What a beautiful post. I can see it :)

Stephen said...


Becca said...

ummmmm you are crazy.

Allison said...

maybe I just see it cuz I know exactly how skinny I was 3 months before I took these pictures!
