Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Update....(I'm tired of coming up with cute titles for my posts)

So we had an interesting little boost of faith this week. Kellen had been planning on going to Cleveland Chiropractic College starting this past January. And that was kinda the main reason we decided to move to Fresno in August. But once we got here we started thinking about how expensive and stressful it would be to live down in LA were the school is located. So Kellen decided he could just finish his bachelor's here in Fresno then worry about transferring to whatever grad school he wanted whether it be chiropractic, medical, dental, or whatever. This was all well and good but to tell you the truth it sort of made me feel like, well why the heck did we move all the way down here to Fresno and move in with my parents just to end up doing something we could have done up in Utah?
But this week, Kellen found out that Cleveland Chiropractic College in LA will be closing this August due to the economy and decrease in student body! So that was a slap in the face saying, Hey, Heavenly Father's looking out for you! Because let me tell you, it would have been not fun to move all the way down there, pay all that money, find jobs, etc, etc...just to have to come back in less than a year. So, we are counting our blessings, specifically that we were able to be realistic and make good choices about our future with the help of smart family.
In other news:
We had a baby check up yesterday! I had originally thought when we made the appointment that this was going to be my second ultrasound so we were getting all giddy thinking that we would be able to find out if it's a little Miss or a little Sir. But when we got there the doctor just used the heart monitor to listen and make sure all was well. It was still really cool to listen to the heartbeat! It took her a minute to find the little bugger. I guess, even though the baby bubble, that's my less graphic term for uterus/womb, goes all the way up to my belly button now the baby was still hiding down low. (Is it lame that I don't like using body part words?...they're just really odd words. Seriously, who came up with the word uterus?'s just not cute)
We asked about the heart rate because we had heard that you can guess if it's a boy or girl based on how fast the heart rate is. Girls tend to be faster, closer to 160, and boys tend to be closer to 130. The heart rate was 157, so place your wagers people! But she said that method is pretty inaccurate unless you are able to watch the heart rate for an extended period of time to see what the average is. We made our appointment for the next ultrasound (except for reals this time) for April 5th and she said unless there's something weird going on we will for sure be able to find out then! Yay!
We also found out that I am Rh negative. Which she explained to mean that if Kellen is Rh positive then the baby could be too and that would be bad because my body would think the baby is a disease...or something like that. So I would develop antibodies to the baby's blood and that would be bad. So at 28 week's I'll have to get a lovely shot that will keep my body from going crazy on my baby and if it turns out that the baby is positive, I'll get one more shot after birth. Then it will be fine. She said it's fairly common and no big deal as long as it's taken care of. So that's good. But I am not a needle fan so that won't be fun.
One last note before I go off to start the homework I've been procrastinating for hours now:
I've been taking belly photos mostly for me to see how I'm changing week to week. But now that I am starting to see a little difference I'm wanting to share! :) But I took them of my bare belly and I'm not sure how I feel about posting them for anyone to see...I dunno if anyone wants to see my bare baby belly or if I'm the only one who thinks it's cute lol so I don't know...cast a vote: to post or not to post the growing belly photos


Meg said...

Woo!!! So exciting!!

That's weird about the whole RH thing... I understood that it wasn't a risk with a first pregnancy? Hmm, must of been something else!

Allison said...

No that's right...I guess once I've gotten those shots my body should be able to handle an Rh positive baby the next time but with the first one it's a problem.

Bay said...

Congrats on the upcoming baby!! How exciting! I'm A negative so I'll have to get shots too.... yuck! Glad to hear you and Kellen are doing well!
