Wednesday, March 23, 2011

An unproductive day

After laying in bed until 10:30...then sitting in bed on Facebook until noon, a funny conversation took place via text message between Kellen and I:

Me: I feel lazy and unproductive today.
Kellen: Yeah...well you could straighten up our room...I know your lovely husband would appreciate it...
Me: Hmmm. That's a thought. But I said I'm lazy and unproductive...not bored looking for something to do...
Kellen: But maybe if you start cleaning you will start feeling energetic and productive!
Me: Hmm interesting notion. I hate cleaning our room because there's so much stuff that has no place to go...
Kellen: But we must organize it so that it's not all over the floor. If you just separate our laundry I'll fold/hang up all my stuff...and there's always papers that are useless and need to be thrown away.
Me: But I never know which papers we don't need to keep.
Kellen: Ok. Just organize them in a neat pile and I can go through them when I get home
Me: now my task has morphed from cleaning the room into preparing the room to be cleaned by you. Hahaha...that's funny.
Kellen: Yeah...

He didn't find it as amusing as I did. Can anyone guess who the messy one is and who the neat one is? I just don't see the problem with a messy room...sure it's nice when it's clean, but if you just don't look at the mess then it's like it's not there. Right? Am I right people?!
No, I'm not. I know I'm not. lol But that doesn't make me want to clean... ;)

Someday we will have a house with organizational structures like this. Someday.

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