Wednesday, November 13, 2013

A few months in Orem

In February we moved to a little apartment in Orem. It was just off of state street on Columbia Lane, really close to John and Liz. It was my favorite place we lived in Utah. Our stay was cut short by our move to Nevada and I'm still missing it there. Around the same time that we moved, I started my job as a cosmetology instructor at Mandalyn Academy. Teaching is the most fun job that I've done to date. I had just three students in my class, so we had a lot of fun in the 12 week orientation. Just another thing I was very sad to have to leave behind.
Let me just interject here with, I know our move to Nevada is good. We needed a change. Kellen needed to move on from the place he grew up. And we needed to start a new chapter heading towards his career. So I'm very happy that we are here. But Utah will always be a special place for us. It's where we were married, where we went to college, where we had our first jobs, first apartment, started our family. It's a happy place and part of me wishes we could stay in that early marriage, young family time forever. Alas, life progresses.

Inspecting the new place after getting our keys.

Never got tired of the pretty view, and it only got better when those trees filled in come Spring!

The highlight was definitely being able to hang out with Hadley whenever we wanted! So much fun to watch these babies grow and play together. I really hope that we are able to live close to them in the future. Growing up with my cousins was one of the best parts of my childhood. This is by far the saddest element of our move to Nevada. I miss my sister like nothing else. 

We also had some great friends in our apartment complex. Kellen's manager from the watch store lived in the same complex. A few times I was even able to watch their adorable baby girl! Ashton just loved Baby Reese! He was always putting on a good show for her when she came over, showing her all his most impressive dance moves and happy yells. She got used to 

Reese's mama, Paige and I at Stadium of Fire for 4th of July. 

I loved my job at Mandalyn Academy. Even though I only made it through one class of my own. We had loads of fun! I love being in a salon too, but there's something special about helping others discover their talents. It was so fulfilling!
These pictures are from my last day. They threw me a goodbye party.

My Students! :)

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