Friday, November 15, 2013

Ashton's Second Birthday!

Boy, I thought the first year went by fast. It doesn't slow down, that's for sure! We were still a bit new to the area, and since at two years old your friends are more about your parent's friends, we weren't able to have a real party. But we had a fun little celebration with Kellen's family! We made homemade mini pizzas and had cake!

My sweet little baby is changing into a sweet little boy. My heart is so full of love for this awesome little person. It's amazing how they learn and grow right before your eyes. And the growth that they force from you is equally at awing. I've become a better person for him. Because I want him to learn from me how to be good and generous, thoughtful and considerate, helpful and kind. It's so true that children teach you more than you anticipate. An infant trusts his parents, implicitly. I never want to do anything to violate that trust he was born with.
I will be forever grateful that I listened to all the advice I received to savor all those sweet times with my baby. I always took my time, rocking him while he nursed, tickling his tummy during a diaper change, playing peekaboo all afternoon, chasing him in circles around the couch. I don't have any regrets about missing his infancy. I will continue to treasure every step, milestone and phase of his life.

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