Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Confessions of a Working Mother

On Monday I started a new job. When I was offered this job at a spa here in Las Vegas I was completely split down the middle. Sad and happy. I really liked the place and the owner and I love doing esthetics, so for all those reasons I was really excited. But having a job meant leaving Ashton with someone else, and that breaks my heart.
We were so lucky to find an awesome in home daycare! Even though it's an awesome place, I was still nervous about leaving him just because in the past he hadn't done well. He would even cry being left with my sister. So I was just sick over it all weekend, thinking about him crying for hours on Monday while I was at work. I'm so glad to say that I was wrong! He did really well. She text messaged me about 20 minutes after I left and told me he had asked for me once but other than that was doing just fine! I cannot even express in words how relieved I was! With that out of the way, I was able to enjoy my first day at work. I had two facial appointments and they both went splendidly!
All in all it was a total win!
I love being a stay at home mom with Ashton. I've had other jobs since he was born but the majority of the time I've been able to stay home. I'm grateful for that. But to be honest, I think I'm a better mom when I work. I love to get out and do something I love for a while. Focusing my energy on something else for a change sort of refreshes me. Then when I get home to my boys I can give myself whole heartedly to them! I savor and enjoy our time together better when I know there will come a time I'll have to step away for a while.

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