Friday, November 15, 2013

Wednesday, October 2, 2013: A Day in the Life

*8:30 AM It was one of those super rare mornings where I wake up on my own before Ashton. So I took the opportunity to enjoy my icy cold breakfast of choice.

*By 9:00 Ashton was awake and jumping away in his crib! My favorite way to fetch him. Happy!

 *9:30 After a nice fresh diaper and clean teeth, we enjoyed some blueberry muffins I had made the day before. We had a deep conversation about cupcake papers and Ashton's toes with occasional spurts of happy dancing!

 *10:00 Ashton watched some Curious George while I got ready and folded a little laundry. I walked out of my room to find him doing summersaults over the back of the couch. Crazy kid!

 *11:15 We headed off to Trail Canyon Park for a playgroup with friends from the ward. It's finally nice and cool outside so we can play for hours!

*12:45 We were back home and got some lunch.
I even got this picky boy to eat some "leaves!" Big victory!

*1:45-5:00 Nap Time!
*6:30 After daddy got home we went to In n Out for dinner! A special treat to eat out. And when we got home a little after 7 Ashton was running and jumping all over. I decided he needed a cape! So I whipped out some scraps and put together a Super Ashton cape!

*He played and ran around until bedtime at 8:00. What a big day!

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