Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The first of a series of updates

I read this book a while back, The Child Whisperer. (Link to purchase on Amazon) It's an awesome book about different energy types and more specifically how to parent them. But I would recommend it to anyone, even not parents. I've found it helpful and influential in understanding myself, my child, my husband and many people close to me. To decipher your own type, the author recommends asking your parents. I had decided I was a Type 3, the driven, most energetic, go getter type. But when I asked my dad he immediately said, No you're definitely a Type 1. I wasn't too sure, but my mom agreed. So I went back and read that section again and sure enough, it seems my mummy and papa know their baby. Type 1 is described as high energy but not as determined as Type 3. Bubbly and artistic. An entrepreneur. An inventor. Someone who wants to do it all but never seems to finish a thing. It specifically mentions starting 10 projects at time and only ever finishing 2 or 3 of them.

Blogging. I love to do it. Love to follow them. Love to share my life and experiences with anyone who cares to keep in touch. But Blogging is my one of my chronically unfinished projects. It's been a little over a year since I sat down to post anything. Which is about right on schedule for me. I do a few months on, take a year off. That seems to be my pattern! :)

And one of the things that starts to drive me crazy after a while is that I want it to actually be up to date. Not just pick up where we are in life. I want to go back and blog about last Christmas in Seattle! And how we moved to Orem and loved being so close to my sister! How I got my dream job as a Cosmetology Instructor! About Kellen's loooong awaited graduation! And how we uprooted our little lives and moved to Henderson for what we can only hope will be the career choice that finally pans out for us! There was our baby's second birthday! And starting Joy School with some other 2-year-olds from our new ward!

So sitting down, during nap time, with my cozy socks on, a coke zero and some lasagna. Bound and determined. I'm going to start a few update posts. This is my project. And I'm praying I can move this project from my list of 10 in progress to my short list of those that I complete!

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